The Brockville Airforce

Kick start your weekend with Bob Brockvlog and his manical MonoVlog. Learn about the latest in cell phone projectiles as well as what Steven Harper thinks he’s doing in Mexico.

A putter, a three wood and a crimping iron.

Bob Brockvlog on Janey Brown golfing

Raging Reporter Rock Brockvlog takes us down to Brockville’s Blockhouse Island and gives us the score on that crazy plane that’s been down there for years! April Fools!

3 Replies to “The Brockville Airforce”

  1. It should read A putter, a THREE ( not a five ) wood and a crimping iron

    come on Mr Bob (Golf) Brockvlog

    You look good in your Golf Attire but was that needed when you were only DRINKING ( lol )

  2. Rock not enougth info more education needed on the plane.There is train history as well, as the Devil’s Door very close to Brockville.Keep coming up with the zany history.

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