Georgia Off His Mind

Everybody who’s living in Brockville has always lived in Brockville. We never go anywhere. We never see anything. That is until now. BrockVlog has found a man – almost a myth of a man – who has left, come back and lived to tell the tale. Meet Mike Frisk: everyday joe who hit the leavin’ town lottery. “Frisky” got a job way down south in Georgia – where they like it hot – and after 2.5 years, hauled ass back to his hometown. Home sweet home. Listen and learn children – there is life on Mars.

A very, very bad trombone.

– Joy Goodfellow

Not everyone plays a musical instrument. And that’s just wrong. We are just as mad about it as you are. Tag along to the 1000 Islands Mall and share in the experience of the instrumentally wishful.

One Reply to “Georgia Off His Mind”

  1. I might be the only person who’s ever searched for Joy Goodfellow on google before… and I’m not terribly that the link brought me right back here.

    Joy Goodfellow… best… teacher… ever. Gave me my first C in math she did, and my umpteenth A in english.

    If anyone has any contact with her, tell her she’s got a fan club. It may only contain one member at present, but it’s a club nonetheless.

    Oh, and good episode ;)

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