Pink Pills on Parade

Fulford Place, here in Brockville, is undergoing some restorations – again. Pamela Brooks is the Coodinator of Eastern Ontario Museum Sites and was nice enough to allow BrockVlog to barge in on her today and ask her a million questions – some fair, some not so fair. Raging Rock Brockvlog lifts up the mattresses and looks for the spare change in all the Fulford furniture.

…with very clever marketing, made himself a wealthy man.

– Pamela Brooks on George T. Fulford and his money

Some of the highlights of this mansion cum museum are the eclectic architecture, the complete furniture collection and the Olmsted designed gardens. But our personal favourite are the two gargoils having a spitting contest around the fountain.

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One Reply to “Pink Pills on Parade”

  1. Marko,

    Sorry man! I have cancelled the weekend – just put up a post on explaining it. I know you are disappointed. I just don’t have a schedule that will allow me the time to produce the show they way it is meant to be.

    I still plan to upload video, but it will be less produced, and probably pretty random.

    I may get it going again sometime in the future, but for now I have directed all my fans to come watch you guys!

    See ya,
    Jon Wedd

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