Celebrity Sightings!

That damned movie theatre is taking forever! Bob Brockvlog is on the construction site of our new six screen machine and he gives us the low down and the update on the progress. Plus, a very sneak look at what is shaping up to be the big summer blockbuster hit, “BrockVlog – The Movie”.

I wish I could quit you, wheelbarrow.

-unemployeed trespassing gay construction worker, from the upcoming thriller BrockVlog – The Movie

Brockville might not be the mecca of Hollywood A-listers, but we’re no slouches either. See for yourself as Raging Rock Brockvlog storms the 1000 Islands Mall in search of celebrities. Well at least someone who looks a bit like a celebrity, anyway.

4 Replies to “Celebrity Sightings!”

  1. I wanna go see a movie, god damn it….rock and all u crazy people, find out the day its expected to open for me…please grant my one wish…by the way…the celeb look alikes sorta look like 2 of my friends….kayla, and lisa….not jennifer aniston and “scary spice” crazy girls I tell yah…

    anyhooo im tired, later peeps…

  2. Yes the movie I can hardly wait.Could I get front row seats to the opening? There must be a celebrity in the mall?Can hardly wait for the next episode.

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