The Fat Lady Has Sung

In the midst of the dog days of summer, BrockVlog.Com has pulled the plug. That’s right – we’re taking a break. Enjoy this final goodbye episode and we thank you for tuning in over the past 5 months. We hope to periodically update this vlog, so please, add your name to the mailing list at the top of this webpage and we’ll let you know when we reconvene.

As Paris Hilton would say: Love’s it.

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5 Replies to “The Fat Lady Has Sung”

  1. Thanks for the episodes, but reaching 200 would of been nice…Much too soon to leave the net….We are going to miss ROCK and his streeters…someone will offer him a contract and we will miss him dearly on (Brockvlog the future)… for Lance, I guess you are not getting my vote……….Vince, what can I say, I hope your golf game improves.

    Vince…Lance…Rock…Thanks again and hope that Brockvlog will return one day.

  2. Hey.. Putting together every episode of ‘BrockVlog’ takes about 4 hours. So you can imagine what sort of time commitment it must be. Both Vince, and Rock are taking vacation time and starting in September our work schedules become very full. So, a daily show is next to impossible maintain.

    However! We do plan to continue posting up new episodes of Brockvlog, just not on a daily basis. If you join the mailing list, we will give you a shout when we do new stuff. (And, no worries, nobody else is going to see your e-mail address) .. Thanks for watching.. Elvis hasn’t left the building just yet!!


  3. Oh my good gosh – WTF!!! What up? No hints, no long goodbye’s, no nothing – just, that’s it. Reminds me of a boyfriend back in highschool :|

    Now what to do instead of ramming my head against my padded wall, er, cubicle? I really enjoyed MOST of the stories you boys have done. Some were priceless – bounced out of the mall, getting ’86 out of GB’s office, Timmy’s… all good stuff. ;) I look forward to your return. Hey, I’ll take even a new show once in a blue moon over nothing anyday. Enjoy all your free time and stay out of trouble… UNLESS YOUR GONNA TAPE IT!!!!

    Me so sad… sniff, sniff

  4. So sad to see it end,I will miss it and I didn’t even get myself on there.I really liked what you did,well most of the time.Have a great summer,its almost over.Make sure you let me know when you send out another vlog.

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