Do You See What I See?

Never judge a man until you’ve taken a few steps in his high heeled shoes in Brockville. Or – seen things through his fingerprint smudged glasses. Invincible Vince Brockvlog starts us off today by showing us what it is he sees through his sexy black shades. Rock and Lance take a turn and then show us what Crazy Rob Hunter (from the Downtown Business Improvement Association) sees. Finally we take a look at what the dangerous Conservative “Ed” has running through his skull. Hey, Ed – we’re still waiting for you to “pounce”!

It’s cold, nice and refreshing!

– a swimmer in Centeen Park

The kids at Centeen Park never seem to mind jumping into the St. Lawrence River. Raging Rock Brockvlog mass interviews a bunch of them and tries to find out just what they think it is that makes the river warm.

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4 Replies to “Do You See What I See?”

  1. Hi my name is Judi and i was the adult with all these children today can you send me this clip with the kids,will not let me save want to show parents.Thanks Judi

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