It’s a Brand new City

Downtown Brockville feels it’s time for a makeover. Not just a haircut and a blow-dry either. No way – nothing so ho-hum. In fact, Marketing Director for the downtown merchants, Rob Hunter, and his staff have begged, borrowed and got an Ontario Government matching grant for over 30 thousand dollars for a new logo design, signage, banners and some cool new decals. In short, a brand new ‘Brand’ as they say in the world of product placement and designer razor blades.

Local downtown marketing company, BizXcel, has been awarded this sweet contract and has been soliciting ideas for weeks now. Not to be out done, the gang at BrockVlog took a half an hour and whipped up our own ‘Brand’.

Check this out as the Invinsible Vince Brockvlog meets headon with the big cheese Rob Hunter and point blank asks him what he thinks. Raging Rock Brockvlog then does an informal poll and you’d be surprised what people had to say…

Wait a second to let the download start, then press the Play arrow to watch.
You’ll need Quicktime 7 to view it

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