For Unlawful Carny Knowledge

It was 25 years ago today. Bruce Wylie taught the band to play. And with that said, Loveable Lance Brockvlog tours the Downtown Brockville core and find a few local and not so local people to chat it up with.

We can pretty much get all up in one day

Al Bois ~ On how long it takes to assemble a carnival attraction

Included in this all star round up are the ever effervescent Cathy TeKamp, Al Bois (owner of several carnival attractions) and a bunch of kids who don’t know what to do with themselves now that school if finally out.

Take a minute here, relax with us and enjoy a scenic drive around Blockhouse Island and Courthouse Square.

And remember – there’s never a toll booth on Brockvlog.Com!

Wait a second to let the download start, then press the Play arrow to watch.
You’ll need Quicktime 7 to view it

2 Replies to “For Unlawful Carny Knowledge”

  1. Hey guys,
    For the record – I do know what the statue of David is – thanks for including that Curt, haha. Otherwise, this is awesome!
    Good to see you guys!


    P.S. Curt – my sister thinks your funny. hahahaha

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