He’s Back!

After leaving us in a lurch at the end of last season, our lost little lamb has returned. Yes, Lance Brockvlog comes calling today and begs for his old job back. The Invincible Vince Brockvlog doesn’t think so.

Lance? Lance who?

Vince Brockvlog

There’s poison in them there candy bars! Don’t eat another bite until you’ve heard how to do it right with Mrs. B’s Variety Store owner, Dave Wilson!

Keywords: Brockville, Hershey, Brittney, K-Fed, Brockvlog

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You’ll need Quicktime 7 to view it

2 Replies to “He’s Back!”

  1. Lance … glad to see you’re back! Nice show, you are looking good, the form … well it will come back don’t worry! Hey … thanks for the raise pal!


  2. Welcome back Lance,I guess you didn’t win the mayorality race? I was expecting more from your show,I expect you were a bit rusty from the time off.Can’t wait for the next show.I hope your Xmas Special will be something to write home about.

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