If You Like Concrete…

There’s no turning back now. Bob Brockvlog reports from the ongoing construction site of the much anticipated Galaxy 6 screen movie theatre and its cement encasement. So, slap on a roof and paint the walls white – it’s show time soon, kiddies!
But while you are waiting for the big summer blockbuster to appear, we are happy to give you another sneak peek at what is fast becoming the new watercooler phenom – the next cult indie film – the greatest thing since bottled beer: BrockVlog, The Movie.

She needs to stop having sex.

– 1000 Islands Mall shopper

Raging Rock Brockvlog applies his extensive knowledge of all things Hollywood with his experience of all things pregnant and comes up with today’s Streeter Question: Brittney Spears, what have you been up to, lately?!

Wait a second to let the download start, then press the Play arrow to watch.
You’ll need Quicktime 7 to view it

3 Replies to “If You Like Concrete…”

  1. Bob you forgot to stop off in Lucan and check out the Black Donnelly’s while you were at the Bend.
    The movie is too much of a tease just play it.
    Rock can you believe the answers you got? No comment? Whats that are people that uniformed.The guy really went to town on that lolly pop but he was paying attention and gave a good response.Rock did the boys give you the opps or did you just recently watch he video?

  2. I cannot wait until that cinema open’S, i so wanna see a movie…
    hmmm im kinda getting antzy!!

    yeah that was wierd….

    haha good job guys, ur really keeping ontop of things!! congrats!!

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