Victor, Victoria

No, you are not seeing double. Well, maybe you are, if you see FOUR screens, then you are seeing double and might want to consider a designated blogger. But, considering that this was the Victoria Day long weekend, we, at BrockVlog, worried that you might have missed our awesome Wicked Weekend Edition. So, we stuck the damned thing back up again along side Raging Rock Brockvlog‘s gut wrenching interviews with the downtown crazies.

Don’t tell him, then maybe I can take two!

– Susan Shaw

The Fitness Edge co-owner Dawn Edgley tries her hand at interviewing strangers on the street. It’s refreshing to see eager BrockVlog Bunnies shake it for the camera. But it’s not all suprination now is it, Dawn?

Wait a second to let the download start, then press the Play arrow to watch.
You’ll need Quicktime 7 to view it

Wait a second to let the download start, then press the Play arrow to watch.
You’ll need Quicktime 7 to view it

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