Big, big show tonight. Biggest ever on BrockVlog. We have with us none other than Brian Braganza‘s little sister, Ramona Braganza! Now, in case you didn’t box at the YMCA in the early 80’s with Brian, and in case you haven’t been watching the cheerleadering squad on the L.A. Raiders in the 90’s – and in case you’ve got a bad case of the “something is happening outside of Brockville?” syndrome – Lance Brockvlog will bring you up to date with what’s goings on in the super stratosphere of the upper echelons of the Brockville Elite.
I wasn’t aware of BrockVlog, but is actually a really fun site.
Ramona Braganza
Jessica Alba‘s body has been carefully sculpted under the careful guidance and supervision of our guest, fitness instructor Ramona Braganza – and see for yourself what we’re talkin’ about sister!