Today’s the day we all said, “Dim Sum”. The Invincible Vince Brockvlog takes a sexy stroll down King Street Brockville and introduces himself to the new neighbours. Blair Nolan, Manager of the trendy new restaurant, Kazuko, teaches us just what is behind his fresh menu. The sturdy constuction workers on the old Manitonna site hammer out a few details as they finally hit street level. Susanjane’s on King welcomes us with our open chequebooks and shows us all their excellent wares; and we tease you with a little look at Rob McIntosh China in the old Dave Jones Building.
It could be stuffed pepper boats.
– Blair Nolan, Kazako Restaurant
And for the all the good little Brockvloggers, we have a special treat with Dreamy Dawn Edgley from the Downtown Business Improvement Area. Or so she’d have us believe.
Raging Rock Brockvlog stops innocent shoppers and asks them what they know about the DBIA and throws in a little extra for his wife to boot!
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Ahhh another fine show glad to see your back but a heads up is good so we know when your on.Thanks
Thanks for the comment. Since we really don’t know which day we will pull off another BV it is hard to let everyone know ahead of time. Basically, right now, we are shooting for a minimum of 1 per week. So if you check back once or twice a week, you shouldn’t miss a thing.
Glad to you back on the net. We were very worried that Brocklog sunk into the mighty St.Lawrence. Will there be a Dim Sum eating contest at the new resturant? Keep us posted.
From the land downunder :}
Ok it is Wednesday and where is the new one?
Hi Bockvloggers!
That was excellant. I love seeing what’s going on in my home town. It was so cool to hear the Manitonia (a place from my misspent youth) shall rise again. That new store “Susanjanes” looks pretty nice. So you want “Sens” tickets, Vince?? It’s good you asked for Scotch to help you make it thru the night. hahahaha Go! Leafs! Go! So the “King’s” reataurant is gone? Is the New York Cafe still in business? Not too many knew what DBIA means, huh? Why don’t you ask people how they plan to celebrate the 8 days of Hanukkah?
Thanks for the shout out to let me know you have a new episode online. Keep’em coming. We love to hear what’s happening in “B DOT kickin, it olde school”.
c ya, luv ya.