How much track will one million dollars buy these days? Just about 400 metres worth. Sports Reporter Lance Brockvlog meets with Thousand Islands Secondary School principal Arlie Kirkland and track go-to guy, Carlo Cosentino, today to find out:why the happy faces?
We see it being used by the entire Brockville Community.
– Arlie Kirkland, Principal of T.I.S.S, on the new track
Of course it wouldn’t be a Friday without Bob Brockvlog and his shoot ’em from the hip MonoVlog. You think your middle name is funny. Wait ’til you hear about this one!
A million bucks that’s alot of track.
can’t open for the past three days very, very sad what have you done different?
Changed the video from Quicktime to Flash. You might need to update your Flash player..