Why spend thousands or even hundreds of dollars to see major attractions around the world?
– Lance Brockvlog
Publishes new shows every once in a while!
Why spend thousands or even hundreds of dollars to see major attractions around the world?
– Lance Brockvlog
Well done, why leave home when we have everything we need to see and do here!!! How about a segment on lesser known Bville attractions!!!
Wow… I suddenly have the urge to go sit by the water tower and stare at it for hours… I never knew how interesting it was… til now. And all these years I’ve driven by, not giving it a second glance. I was blind… but now I see.
Little Italy is my absolute Favourite place to eat in Brockville – they even have midgets working there!!! Make sure when your leaving you say “Tata for now!!”
And the water tower?? WOW i was so impressed with the way you talked it up that I even climbed up it last night and wrote I LOVE LANCE BROCKVLOG for all of brockville to see. Look up its there really!!
what a stimulating expose on our great little town I had a vacation to Cancun and the Mayan Riviera booked at Goligers but after seeing this I am going over there and cancelling it and picking up a box of Jos Louis and climbing up that water tower and having my own little picnic there for a fraction of the cost
you pretty much got brockville right.
thank god im moving to ottawa. ha.
Nicely done … I’m trying to unbook that flight of fancy right now! Here’s looking up your BrockVlog!
I never new the unisex hair salon was sooo naughty… Now I know!
Thanks Brockvlog!!!